Multi-Purpose Labs
28 to 56 Occupants
Project/build work, hands-on, and specialized learning cannot be limited to a single-use space. Critical thinking involves multiple stages of learning, including individual research, collaborative brain-storming, hands-on exploration, project creation, and reporting findings or presentation. Large, Multi-Purpose Labs are a way to integrate these activities throughout the school day. These spaces support different types of interdisciplinary exploration by providing a flexible space for messy project creation, low-intensity science labs, experiential learning and/or curricula needing specific equipment or access to water and tools.
BOTH Flexible AND Specialized
In its effort to create more opportunities for hands-on and specialized learning, Culver City USD is integrating Multi-Purpose Labs into the Small Learning Communities. Compared with a more traditional approach which limits these activities to a small number of highly specialized spaces—characterized by fixed equipment, limited use and high costs, Multi-Purpose Labs are designed to support a wide variety of project types and adapt easily as future demands change.
Project/build work
Hands-on learning
Specialized learning
Projects Lab
Project Labs are multi-purpose to support the evolution of project-based learning models such as Robotics and interdisciplinary programs such as STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) by providing flexible lab space.
Arts Lab
Arts Labs have more specialized equipment and storage to support Visual Arts programs such as Sculpture, Ceramics, Drawing, Painting, Graphic Design, Digital Photography and CTE Pathway programs.
Flex Lab
Flex Labs are Multi-Purpose Labs with an added kitchenette, sinks for handwashing and toilets within supervising staff’s line of sight. Critical to supporting morning and after care programs for school age children and giving students more time for project-based learning.
Science Lab
Science Labs support the curriculum based on Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) including student participation in state-wide science competitions.