What is the goal of this process?
The process creates a long-range Facility Master Plan which outlines the current status and future use of district facilities, guides the development of future capital improvements and supports planning for future bond elections. It is a living document and is reviewed every two years.
What campuses are included in the Facility Master Plan?
Office of Child Development
El Marino Elementary School
El Rincon Elementary School
Farragut Elementary School
La Ballona Elementary School
Linwood E. Howe Elementary School
Culver City Middle School
Culver City High School
Culver City Park School
How will the Facility Master Plan affect my campus?
The Facility Master Plan identifies priorities at both the District wide and campus level, and it proposes strategies to address these priorities. The Board, with input from parents, the community, district leadership and campus staff, will use the Facility Master Plan as a guide to make future decisions. Each campus will be evaluated based on its needs and stated priorities.
What is included in a Facility Master Plan?
For each campus, the Facility Master Plan includes Physical Condition, Health Life Safety and Accessibility items; as well as possible renovations, additions and related construction to remedy deficiencies as well as support teaching and learning priorities.
What will the plan look like?
The facilities plan will include a list of identified, and Board approved needs, diagrams and precedent images depicting how other K-12, Higher Education and Workplace institutions have met similar goals. Through these lists and graphics, the plan will set a level of expectation for each campus.
How much will it cost?
Because hard estimates or bids cannot be derived from the elements included in the plan, the facilities plan does not include a final cost figure. It will include budget guidelines for each campus based on today’s dollars and today’s conditions. Formal budgeting and funding will be allocated prior to any design process being undertaken.
How is the facilities plan related to past measures? (Measure CC and K, for example)
The facilities plan is separate from these measures. Measure CC funds for Facilities will be exhausted in 2020. Measure K is a Parcel Tax for General Fund not for Facilities. This will be for a future facilities bond.
What is the District’s plan for protecting financial investments? Does the Facility Master Plan imply that the schools have not been properly maintained over the years?
The District strives to keep pace with the ordinary wear and tear on its facilities to maintain a safe and healthy environment. These routine maintenance requests, which include tasks such as routing repairs (broken window, leaking pipes, etc.) , and miscellaneous improvement projects such as painting or restroom improvements are funded through the annual operating budget.
The average age of our school buildings now exceeds 50 years. Although State funding continues being reduced, District maintenance needs continue to grow. Like other school districts, CCUSD uses bond funding to address the upkeep, repair and replacement of the major essential facility components. In defining how and when our funds are used to address the District’s growing maintenance needs, protecting financial investments is always a top priority.
When will the work start?
Design is a formal, multi-phase process that begins once a campus plan is ready to be implemented (in other words, fully funded). In some cases, it may be several years after adoption before a campus plan is formally designed or engineered.
What length of time is the Facility Master Plan relevant?
It is important to reiterate that a Master Plan is a living document that will be reviewed periodically. Although the Facility Master Plan has a ten-year time frame, because campus plans may not begin for several years, the time frame could be much longer.
How can I participate in the process?
You can participate in the process by staying informed and by attending community meetings, filling out surveys, submitting comments, speaking with your campus principal, or addressing any Board Member. Continue visiting the website for updates.