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 DNA of a Small
 Learning Community 

A kit of parts of space types can construct a variety of configurations.  Given that many future projects will be renovations or modernizations, the use of these space types will help support CCUSD’s vision for future ready learning environments. The original buildings were based on the “factory model” of education with classrooms all the same size emphasizing lecture-based learning with the teacher doling out knowledge to be memorized. The space types listed below support the teachers’ ability to collaborate with each other and their students, acting as a “guide on the side” instead of a “sage on the stage”.

Learning Studios

Evolves traditional model to support many teaching practices and learning styles.

Indoor Learning Commons

Extends the footprint of the studios and labs indoors for multiple inquiry based learning models, from PBL to STEAM.

Multi-Purpose Labs

Enhances studio with disciplines such
as art, science and light makerspaces. 



Extends the footprint of the studios and labs outside for Project-Based Learning and self-directed inquiry based learning.

Huddle Rooms

Smaller than a studio, shared spaces for students and teachers. 

Teacher Collaboration Workspace

Professional workspace for teaming and planning, reflection, best practices, and helping each other help the students.

Culver City Unified School District
4034 Irving Place, Culver City, CA 90232     (310) 842-4220

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