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Anchor 1

Background and Needs 

When embarking on future campus projects, one of the most urgent needs are upgrades to technology. The CCUSD Technology Plan, from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2018, created by the Technology Leadership Committee includes an assessment of telecommunication services, hardware, software and other services that will be needed to improve education services. The Technology Plan shows that the existing physical plant can accommodate needs up to June 2018, therefore an upgrade is needed. 


CCUSD provides access to technology to all students and uses digital literacy standards adapted from the forward-thinking work of exemplary districts in California. Technology integration is currently led by a a group of innovative teachers from each school site who mentor teachers to use technology effectively. Known as the Ed Tech Pioneers, they provide students with daily access to technology integration on Chromebooks and iPads through Google Apps for Education and Canvas Learning Management System.  Technology integration supports the purposeful use of technology with meaningful apps and is data driven. 
CCUSD’s approach to supporting future-ready learning is technology based. CCUSD exposes students to different types of learning that introduce them to technology as part of a learning continuum from elementary to middle to high school, growing their ability to use technology for research, critical thinking, decision making, communication and collaboration, creativity and innovation.  Technology augments learning and continually evolves.

 District References 

Active and Personalized Learning
Using Technology 

Learning studios and labs need to be flexible rather than being too specific and dedicated to one specific program because pedagogy and technology will evolve. Access to fluid technology and malleable learning space is essential to supporting student-centered active learning environments such as the recently renovated CCHS library. Students and teachers are supported with the technology and spaces needed for their success.  Fluid technology in this context means that it is always in the background, fast, easy to use, reliable, consistent, and seamless. Durable interactive personal technology works with infrastructure that supports current and future needs giving access to tech resources such as apps and digital textbooks to all students and teachers. 


On the flip side, with all the technological ways to communicate, CCUSD wants to ensure their students can communicate interpersonally, being able to communicate their social and emotional needs. Space to unplug is needed for this purpose.


The Teaming Learning Studio uses technology to support CCUSD’s move away from lecture-based learning to active learning by mimicking the way technology is used in the much-loved libraries at Culver City High School and Culver City Middle School. A project-based activity can be kicked off by a teacher giving instructions with no need for seats all facing the front. Lesson material can be presented via large screen displays at each corner and on each wall with students working in groups at their tables.  Students can also tap into the system via connections at each table so that they can share with the others at the table, or so that the instructor can show a group's work to the entire class. 

 Concepts and Ideas 

Anchor 2
Anchor 3

Expanding Space and Time
Using Technology to Support Learning

The Media Resources space at each campus supports growing these abilities in students by serving as a space to expand on the work being done in learning studios. Students develop their ability to use digital resources and improve their research skills within Media Resources. They hone their expertise in learning how to critically assess and evaluate the resources they come across on the internet. 


CCUSD’s vision is to continue to grow teacher and student access to current technology, both in and outside of the regular school day. In some schools, especially at the secondary level, labs are open to students before and after school. Home and personal access to computers and the Internet varies across the District and is related to socio-economic status. Spaces that require specialized technology that can’t be accessed at home are open longer. 

 Concepts and Ideas 

Academic Spaces at each School Level

The design team must include a technology specialist for systems design and infrastructure to integrate technology into the buildings – incorporating advanced IT, telecommunications, audiovisual, wireless, low voltage, security and education technologies into renovations or new buildings. The guidelines below are based on best practices today for flexible future-ready learning environments, factoring in what is appropriate for each school level. 


The list below includes technology, affordances that work with the technology and items that require power. This list can be used as a starting point with the design team and their technology specialist, the IT Director and the Educational teams:


Learning Studios

Early Childhood (Pre-K, TK and Kindergarten)


  • Computer interface

  • Wall-mounted A/V system control panel

  • Wireless collaboration appliance

  • Wall-mounted interactive LED screen or wall mounted interactive short throw projector

  • Blu-ray DVD/CD player

  • Audio video input panel for MP3 player device/ Camera

  • Ceiling speakers


Learning Studios including Special Day Class
Grades 1-5


  • Computer interface

  • Wall-mounted A/V system control panel

  • Wireless collaboration appliance

  • Small flat screen monitor (40”-50”) on mobile stand with (1) large interactive screen for grades 4-5

  • Wall-mounted interactive LED screen or wall mounted interactive short throw projector

  • Blu-ray DVD/CD player

  • Document reader

  • Audio video input panel for MP3 player device/ Camera

  • Ceiling speakers

  • Web-based remote monitoring, scheduling and control

  • Printer

  • Mobile device charging station to be locked in closet or lockable wall mounted charging stations for personal digital device (laptop or tablet)

  • Sliding markerboard


Learning Studios including Special Day Class
Grades 6-12


Same as Grades 1-5 above, with modifications below:

  • ​

  • Medium flat screen monitor (50”-65”) on mobile stands with (1) large interactive mobile screen (65”-85”) for grades 7-8


Team Learning Studios
Grades 6-12


This learning studio is intended for team teaching emphasizing student group work at large tables and does not lend itself to lectures.


  • (8) large wall mounted large flat screen monitor (65”-85”) to present lesson material 

  • Connections at each table so students can share with the others at the table, or for the teacher to show a group’s work to the entire group 

  • A/V matrix switching system

  • (9) inputs into the matrix switching system  

  • (8) outputs 

  • touch screen control panel to choose the input (laptop or other device) and to choose which displays will show it

Huddle Rooms
Grades 1-12 


  • Medium wall mounted monitor (50”)


Indoor Learning Commons 
Grades 1-12 


  • Computer interface

  • Wall-mounted A/V system control panel

  • Wireless collaboration appliance

  • Multiple whiteboards or interactive whiteboards with screen capture function

  • Wall-mounted flat screen TV for digital display of student work

  • Technology to share contents on laptop or mobile units on flat screen TV or display

  • Refrigerator

  • Transparent write-able surface (for breakout room glass walls)


Outdoor Learning 
Grades 1-12 


  • Wi-Fi to cover shaded hardscape zone with outdoor furniture

  • Wall speakers

  • Microphone/audio wall connections

  • Electrical outlets for equipment brought out temporarily for project-based learning


Teacher Collaboration Workspace


  • Wireless collaboration appliance

  • Laptop computers connected to printer with WiFi

  • Printer

  • Table top copier

  • Paper shredder

  • Charging stations

  • Coffee Maker

  • Under counter refrigerator 

Anchor 4

Culver City Unified School District
4034 Irving Place, Culver City, CA 90232     (310) 842-4220

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